Gone are the days of being proud of an overflowing inbox, burning the midnight oil and spinning out of control.
- Having time freedom
- Working less while achieving more
- Being off all weekend
- Taking regular holidays away
- Creating daily routines that support you
The more you learn to let go, outsource and free up your own time to work on your business (rather than in your business) the more success you’re able to create.
Now and then you’ve got to remove yourself from the day to day minutia of running your business. Book in a spa day, then take full advantage of the hotel and clear your schedule for the entire day. Pack your journal and start writing.
Write, write, write then write some more.
I fly through journals and always have a spare one ready.
It’s amazing what comes out when you let the words flow. You can use this to explore your goals, work out what you love doing and what you don’t so that you can start handing over more tasks to your team.
Remember why you got into business in the first place. It was to have more free time, not less. To work less, not more.
Do you find yourself struggling with finding time to work ON your business?
Coaching can be a sure fire way of ensuring you do that! Investing in a high-level coach changed my business and my entire life. Knowing I’d paid for mentoring, ensured that week after week I showed up for my calls, took full advantage of the accountability and took huge leaps towards my business and life goals.
Find out more about COACHING WITH ME.
Are you interested in private coaching? Apply here==>> Coaching Application
Chanelle Segerius-Bruce
Chanelle is a business coach/consultant and personal branding specialist with over 20 years of experience. She's been featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Stylist Magazine and COACH Magazine. She runs a global training business and works with women helping them launch, grow and scale their online businesses and create a freedom-based life through entrepreneurship.
So very true. What I define as success is so different to what success was even just a few years ago.