
Work with clients who are aligned to you [Video]

Chanelle Segerius-Bruce 

Today I want to talk to you about one of my previous clients. I’m ‘virtually’ jumping out of my chair to pop a virtual bottle of champagne for Claire Morgan, who’s booked a dream assignment.

Yahoo!  This is your celebration.

There’s a party goin’ on right here.

Following on from my post last week, where I shared my story about ‘client attraction’ and the amazing new client I attracted (we’re going to the Seychelles to do full personal brand creation with one-on-one coaching, photography, video and web design afterwards). Whoop.

You may know Claire from my Facebook group Build You Brand Online (we originally met on a photography workshop in Ibiza). She’s just booked a dream assignment. Are you familiar with The  Divine Living Academy that’s run by Gina DeVee? Every year she hosts a big coaching programme for 100 women, who meet in 4 different dream locations around the world (I’ve completed the year-long program online version). It’s something that Claire’s looked into (being a Personal Brand Photographer) as the ladies who attend events like this would be perfect clients for her.

Here’s what Claire did. As soon as Gina announced that one of this years live events was to be held in Majorca (where Claire is based) she blocked out her calendar for the full month of the event. This is where the law of attraction comes into play. When Claire took this action, she had no idea what would happen next or why she took such a drastic step! Nevertheless, she had faith and her sights were firmly set on the Divine Living Academy.

It’s up to you.

But there’s more that goes into harnessing the laws the attraction, which can be seen in the steps that Claire had taken before Gina’s event was announced. She’d separated out her two brands (wedding and personal branding photography). Helping her talk to different target audiences and ideal clients. From a practical point of view, Claire had put in the necessary work i.e. her website and Social Media spoke to a single person. We also did her SEO for her when she moved from Austria to Majorca (ensuring that every page, image and blog post came up on a google search). This may seem a bit old school, but Claire’s enquiry came about because Gina’s team google searched a personal branding photographer in Majorca – and her website came up. Her beautiful brand immediately spoke to the type of woman who were going to be at the event. Her past work had set up her branding story perfectly and her faith and using the law of attraction had paved the way to her dream client and assignment. Claire submitted her quote and a couple of weeks later she was chosen! To be chosen for an event like this is exceptional and exciting. It’s not just about the money, it’s about the profile of the job, the networking and the fact that she’ll be spending time around high-vibrational woman. You never know who you could meet at an event like this.

So bring your good times.

I’m here to tell you to take the practical steps (you need to come up in google, you need a consistent brand and a good Social Media presence). And don’t give up! It’s all about setting your sights on something and using the law of attraction. You need faith – but you also need to take proactive steps. These actions pull your brand together tightly and beautifully – that’s how you start to attract ideal clients, amazing assignments and dream jobs just like Claire did.

Celebrate good times, come on!

I hope that Claire’s story and my story from last week will inspire you to see what’s possible for you and your business. We all have big dreams and it can be hard sometimes but consistent work and not giving up it DOES pay off in the end.

Congratulations Claire!

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Business Coach Launching online courses and programs

Chanelle Segerius-Bruce

Chanelle is a business coach/consultant and personal branding specialist with over 20 years of experience. She's been featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Stylist Magazine and COACH Magazine. She runs a global training business and works with women helping them launch, grow and scale their online businesses and create a freedom-based life through entrepreneurship.