The Blog

create an extraordinary life

How to Professionalise your personal Facebook profile and attract ideal clients

Whether you realise it or not, whatever you post on social media already forms your personal brand. Facebook is a great platform for making the most of attraction marketing. If you’re authentic, intentional, and have the right motivation you’ll attract your ideal client. Some of my biggest clients have come via Facebook and me being...
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9 ways to introduce and improve Diversity, Inclusion & Equality into your business

Now is the time for us to continue having these conversations. Racial, gender-based, economic, religious and all types of disparity and equality should never be tolerated. There shouldn't be a short-term social media hype followed by silence. Moving forward, we need to ensure that we do the work and continue to make all different groups...
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The 5 phases of launching and selling your programs online

How does turning your years of knowledge into an additional income stream sound? Once you master launching your offers online, you can create a repeatable and scalable income stream in the form of group programs and high-level 1:1 signature offers. Here’s WHY Learning to launch your signature offer online is non-negotiable: MORE MONEY IN YOUR...
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The Number 1 Thing You Need in Business

The number 1 thing you need in business is sales. If you’re not making sales, you don’t have a business. How you achieve sales is by building a buying audience (the name of one of my courses!) first, and then launching to them. How you achieve sales is by building a buying audience (the name...
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Why People are 10X more likely to buy at the end of the year

It may seem counterintuitive to launch your new business or program at the end of the year. You may feel apprehensive, thinking no one's going to have money. That's not true. There are studies that prove that people are 10 times more likely to be receptive to buying at the end of the year. This...
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5 Stages of Market Sophistication

This may be why your marketing's falling on deaf ears -  Market Sophistication was introduced by Eugene Schwartz in his 1966 book Breakthrough Advertising. The term addresses the different levels of client awareness and is divided into 5 stages. Each stage looks at how sophisticated your clients’ knowledge is of your market and what it’s...
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Why You Must Use Storytelling in Your Marketing

In the age of smartphones, social media, and being virtually connected to everyone all of the time, the dynamics of marketing have changed. Intrusive, selfish, and egocentric marketing tactics no longer work in the way they used to. Clients see through gimmicks and turn their back away from companies that push unwanted products and services...
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Must Have Modern Marketing Strategies

No matter what your offering is, the key to marketing is researching your ideal client, who you are competing with, what you offer that your competition doesn’t, and what solutions your services or products bring. When you're clear about these answers you'll be able to get to know more about what your clients need, where...
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