The Blog

create an extraordinary life

Why People are 10X more likely to buy at the end of the year

It may seem counterintuitive to launch your new business or program at the end of the year. You may feel apprehensive, thinking no one's going to have money. That's not true. There are studies that prove that people are 10 times more likely to be receptive to buying at the end of the year. This...
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You can change the way you think!

You’ve probably heard that it’s possible to shape the way you think through forming new habits, saying affirmations out loud or challenging yourself by playing Sudoku. In fact, scientists have already proven that your brain is changed by new experiences every day. This form of shaping and moulding is referred to as neural plasticity -...
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5 Stages of Market Sophistication

This may be why your marketing's falling on deaf ears -  Market Sophistication was introduced by Eugene Schwartz in his 1966 book Breakthrough Advertising. The term addresses the different levels of client awareness and is divided into 5 stages. Each stage looks at how sophisticated your clients’ knowledge is of your market and what it’s...
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Why You Must Use Storytelling in Your Marketing

In the age of smartphones, social media, and being virtually connected to everyone all of the time, the dynamics of marketing have changed. Intrusive, selfish, and egocentric marketing tactics no longer work in the way they used to. Clients see through gimmicks and turn their back away from companies that push unwanted products and services...
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Must Have Modern Marketing Strategies

No matter what your offering is, the key to marketing is researching your ideal client, who you are competing with, what you offer that your competition doesn’t, and what solutions your services or products bring. When you're clear about these answers you'll be able to get to know more about what your clients need, where...
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How to Scale Your Business

When you started your business, you were doing all the things! From coming up with the perfect name and logo, through doing all the work, as well as all the nitty gritty administrative tasks that never seemed to end. It was a bit of a slog, but you got through it! Now that you have...
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How to Add more Personality into Your Brand

In a recent article, I discussed the importance of personal branding and how it can open doors for you. I talked about how we would choose a Martha Stewart recipe online over other authors purely because of her name, but have you ever watched her cook on TV? She’s somewhat dry and bland! She’s done...
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5 Reasons Why GTD (Getting Things Done) Is Better Than Perfect

You have goals, dreams and aspirations with a massive drive to achieve them and become successful. This intent of ambition oozes through your life as you wish for your child to perform well at school or the client you mentor to attain the results they deserve. On top of this, everything needs to work out...
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How To Keep Your Clients Coming Back For More

You and I both know that clients play a significant role in your business. Without clients, you can’t survive. You have a business not a hobby! There’s the financial gain but, more importantly, you get to impact the lives of the people you serve and create a ripple effect in the world. A good client...
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How This Millennial Mom Leveraged Her Personal Brand To Land A $19K Dream Gig In Paradise

In April 2018, I was interviewed by Celinne Da Costa on how personal branding can open doors in business. The article was published in Forbes and I thought it would be great to share it with you! It discusses my personal journey and how I got into business coaching. Enjoy! Celinne Da Costa: What is...
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